Thank you all for your hard work! It’s really a great show!!
NOTES: RUN MUGGING OF MILLIE so things are happening simultaneously COSTUMES: Pin the bangs back on Millie’s wig. DANCE: Guys be stronger on the pushing section. Practice with hats! Ryan M’s Hat looks too small. Ryan- Keokuk joke- stronger tone…too airy. Kaeli- great job filling time… PRISCILLA GIRLS – fix space between Abby and Hannah…..Abby needs to review combination and needs personality. ALL OF YOU NEED MORE ENERGY!! CREW- NO VACANCY sign did not light up. Kaeli/Brenna- “You need the room, I need the rent” away from Dorothy. Kaeli- with wig on you need to be more open. Wig may need to be adjusted. Millie/Dorothy- any time you have more music to fill up (ex: before key change) hold hands and spin around or something….. ORCHESTRA- Tempo a little quicker after “this way Miss Dorothy.” Tap is a little quicker….. IN LAUNDRY Nicole- wait longer to start lines “look here boys” until you are in the light. Nick-wait longer after opening of Not for the life of me tag NICK & PATRICK- STAY CENTER FOR THE SONG AND DANCE LIGHTS- Need to keep the guys in the light until they are off…keep follow spot. SINCERE TRUST: Stenogs- once you are in place, get to work….start working hard… are all minions typing… CREW- Switch phone and trophy on Graydon’s desk… Trophy should be near Millie’s seat….. Josh- Keep the LEGATO in the song….Please really sing….you’re coming in and out…. Kaeli- IGNORE Miss Baird saying “please don’t cross your legs” You may cross them on that line! ORCHESTRA - hold tremolo on “MISS DILMOUNT” Kaeli- keep pad in your hand when you stand up at Graydon’s desk. You have to take it to the machine… SPEED TEST DANCE Elisabeth- remove the arms on the brush hop step. Add arm on can-can. JOSH – NEED TO RUN WITH MR. CARUCCI! DO THIS BEFORE MONDAY’S DRESS- SEE Mr. Lotano if you have any questions. ORCH- Goes right into next. After blackout after Speed test. Nicole – pick up apple and take time while injecting it….there is a little music to go along with it……take time.. Nick D- Don’t make such a big deal with covering an apple…. Hannah – you need to make to make eye contact with Dorothy! Sound- anticipate entrances quicker! Turn mics on before their lines. ORCHESTRA- Can Dan add something at the beginning of “THEY DON’T KNOW” ??? RYAN- You need a jacket before the speakeasy. Hat is too small!.... Ryan- slow down lines about judas hole…. NUTTY CRACKER DANCE Elisabeth- hit center when you give the Priscilla girls the drinks…..they need to be center for the drunken dance. RUN NUTTYCRAKER ENDING ON MONDAY…..we need to make it to the spots…..People who get signs have to be first ones to drink! What do I need with love? Millie position on the other side of the bench……can’t see you. Ryan- take more time locking the door, hold onto the bars looking at her and then SIT! Great job with your song Ryan!!!! Kaeli and Ryan- conversation after getting out of jail is WAY TO FAST!!!!! NO yellow gloves……Surgical gloves…. COSTUMES- MILLY (Kaeli) needs a different dress to go to Muzzy’s with……… CREW- We need to bring the units for Muzzy’s Apt out behind the doors. Brianna a bit sooner to take the stole from Muzzy. It was better this morning. Ensemble needs to react to Muzzy while she sings!!!! Robert let Muzzy finish line before you react. Hear the line first then the lightbulb has to go off. VanHossmere uses an ‘SSS” sound and not a “ZZZ” sound. Nate you came out too early with your tray at the dance. Ryan wait for your line until the lights come up on the terrace. Ryan don’t come out the door right away to give Kaeli time to open her door We need to look at the blocking at Miss D’s door. When the set change starts to happen the lights need to go out behind the hotel doors. The black traveler needs to be lowered to the floor. We can see feet walking out with the curtain as it closes. Act 2 Start- 5:12pm Stop- Kaeli finish lines on the phone before you hand up. Crew- do the stenogs have a straight way to take their desks right out the back door to the hallway? It is taking too long to get the desks off stage. Kaeli….hold pose longer before you fall to the ground. Kaeli- use the telephone….you have to talk into the receiver. Falling in love… Josh “I’ve a very strange feeling” more on your voice and confident please. Josh- your voice is not carrying enough….it’s most likely because you are using the character…you need to ground the sound more please….you won’t be understood otherwise. Josh- “I bet you could make the moon and stars behave”—too quiet, keep it vocally present please. “Twill be guilding the lilies” unclear. I turned the corner- JIMMY/Millie - First hug needs to be more relaxed and not so sharp, more like the second hug. ORCHESTRA- Falling in love reprise- DON’T RUSH MILLIE/JIMMY/TREVOR/DOROTHY- Breathe before the final “Yes I’m” MUQUIN- Nicole- don’t throw the roses down. ORCHESTRA- “but you know where T’shao best….” Wait a tiny bit! Patrick!! Lines…. In the song. ORCH- Can Dan Gleason give it a big hit during the song? I know where. LONG AS I’M HERE WITH YOU… FIX THE HAT SECTION – Note from Chris. Who is at the stage left table at Café Society with Jasmine? Yes, we will get you a chair. Please email Mr. Lotano and Miss Baird with any questions.
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Hello All!
We are in the home stretch and looking forward to the next week of rehearsals and performances! We had our sing through with the orchestra today and the show is sounding fantastic! Thank you to everyone who helped pick up costumes and coordinated the fittings and alterations, we are very grateful to you! Special thanks to Moira Poniatowski for her guidance and hard work! The final day of SET CONSTRUCTION will be tomorrow at 9am at HSE. Please be aware that there will be MANY cars in the lot due to Odyssey of the Mind competition. We will still be in the auditorium working hard on the finishing touches and could use some help! There will be a FULL CAST rehearsal from 9am-3pm on the stage at HSW (West, not East). TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT HIGH SCHOOL WEST from 10:00am-1:00pm. The new schedule is now posted on STRIKE will be on Sunday, March 8th at 9am and is required for all club members. We look forward to a great performance week and thank everyone for their hard work and dedication! Please feel free to contact me here with any questions. Best, Michael Lotano Hello!
I hope that everyone is having a nice break from school! Work has been going on at school as we continue to prepare for our upcoming production! Thanks again to all who have helped and continue to, this show would not be possible without all of the wonderful volunteers! **PLEASE SEE BELOW FOR A SPECIAL REQUEST FROM OUR COSTUMES DEPARTMENT** This Saturday, Feb. 21 will be Set Construction on stage from 9am-3pm, please come help put the finishing touches on the set. There will only be DANCE rehearsal for the following scenes from 9am-10:30am. Millie and Jimmy's dance on the ledge Muzzy's Party *If you are in those scenes, please come to the rehearsal if you are around. We understand if you cannot attend as it is break. Also- if you emailed [email protected] to let us know already, thank you! The weekly schedule for the next two weeks will be posted by this Saturday to the website. There will be a dress rehearsal open to local Senior Citizens on Tuesday, March 3 at 4:00pm in the HSE Auditorium. We ask that only Senior Citizens attend this rehearsal. We have Show Posters available for people to take and hang up. Please see myself or Ms. Baird to get some! It would be great if people could take some time this Saturday or early next week to hang posters in the area to help get the word out! As always check for news and updates to the schedule. See Costumes message below! Best, Mr. Lotano COSTUMES MESSAGE: CALLING ALL SEWERS – The time has come!! Our lovely costumes will be arriving from the Costumer on Friday, February 27. If you have a sewing machine and/or sewing skills, please consider joining us at 6:30 in the hallway behind the stage for fittings. Every costume must be tried on, checked and altered if necessary. Please bring your basic sewing supplies (machine, neutral threads, hand-sewing items, scissors, extension cord if you have one.) You know the drill!!! The more hands, the better! And, if you are not a sewer, we can always use extra peeps to keep the kids coming to us in costumes in a timely manner. Please RSVP to [email protected]. Thanks again for your help … can’t wait to transform our actors!! Moira Poniatowski (879-5855 cell) Hello All!
Thanks to all who came on Saturday to help with the Set! It is coming along nicely! There WILL be set construction on Saturdays 2/14 and 2/21 from 9am-3pm in the HSE Auditorium. In person ticket sales will resume on Saturday the 28th from 10am-1pm. You can always send in a ticket order form to me or mail one in as well. TICKET FORM: T-SHIRT ORDERS SHOULD BE IN BY THIS WEEK! Please order through the online form here: Payment of $15/shirt is due to Mr. Lotano by this Thursday, 2/12! Some updates to the schedule: Tuesday, Feb 10 (today) : Ensemble will be released by 4pm after we go through the large ensemble numbers (Forget About the Boy and Finale). All other cast are expected to stay until 6:00pm. Wednesday, Feb 11: Ensemble will be released by 4/4:15pm after we go through large ensemble numbers (Opening/Only In NY, Nutty Cracker, Speed Test). All other cast will stay until 6:00pm Thursday, Feb 12: ALL should be present from 3-6pm. HEADSHOTS will be taken during this rehearsal. This will be the ONLY day for headshots for the playbill. All Cast, Crew and Orchestra Members should be present to get their picture taken. SATURDAY, Feb. 21: This will be an added rehearsal at 9am. Please email [email protected] if you will be unable to attend this rehearsal. This rehearsal will be to polish dances and to work on some of the songs that need more time. Thanks very much! |